TETSIAD, has held an E-Seminar on Design Trends

TETSIAD, held a seminar, which Head of Istanbul Kültür University Home Textile Design Program Lecturer Neslihan Tokat Ozan attented as a speaker, on Monday, May 18.TETSIAD President Mr .Hasan Hüseyin Bayram made the opening speech of the e-seminar tittled ‘' How to Reflect Home Textiles Trends in Collections ‘'.

Reminding that Home Textile Design Program is only available at Kültür University in Turkey, Mr.Bayram emphasized that the Turkish home extile industry is a World brand in terms of design. Mr.Bayram said : ‘' We need to know how to read the trends well. There is severe competition in the field of home textile, Turkish designers provide a great service to this country. ‘'

Ms. Neslihan Tokat Ozan, who made a presentation to the audience by talking about the meaning of design in general, underlined that textile design should meet the needs ,create innovation, and be original and aesthetic. Stating that the design should be inspired by the trends, Ms. Tokat Ozan told that serious researches were carried out in the process of determining the trends in the World and that the Covid-19 will also effect the trends. Ms.Tokat Ozan, who said that trends shape the fashion ,added: ‘' We also make new designs by making use of the Trend Booklet prepared by TETSIAD for EVTEKS fair every year. Clothing and home textile design are very different fields. Since people desire a comfortable life in their home ,they determine the decoration accordingly. Home textile design should have simple, functional and innovative features. ‘'

Explaining all the processes of the design, Ms. Tokat Ozan stated that many home textile brands have an R&D center, R&D and design teams should be together, and design teams should be given to creativity in their business processes. She also stated that hometextile designs are generally influenced by nature, philosophy ,art ,cinema, arthitecture and culture.